Monday, August 11, 2014

A Passion to Serve

      Besides rock climbing, Ben and I share another passion that is a part of who we are, helping and serving others.  Ben does this everyday in his career as a firefighter/paramedic and I am hoping to do this as a Physician's Assistant.
      One person who I admire and deeply inspires me is professional rock climber Paige Claassen.  Paige has done some of the hardest female ascents around the world.  She decided to use her passion for climbing to raise awareness for other issues around the world by going on a year long trip beginning last July called the Lead Now Tour.  Paige traveled around the world, beginning in South Africa and eventually finishing in the U.S., raising money for women and children worldwide with an organization called Half the Sky Movement.  Each month, Lead Now raised money for a different Half the Sky Movement partner organization which fights to end the oppression of women and children worldwide.  She used her love for rock climbing to help others around the world.  You can follow her trip by clicking on the Lead Now Tour link above to find out more about what the trip meant to her and how they were able to help others.
      Ben and I are not professional rock climbers and as much as we would love to travel the world climbing to help others, it is not an opportunity that is available to us right now.  We do both, however, have interest and experience helping people medically.
Helping out in a small town in Ecuador
      In the past year and a half, Ben and I have been on three medical mission trips to combine our medical skills with our passion for helping others.  We traveled to Haiti, Ecuador, and Guatemala, bringing medical attention and expertise to those who need it the most.  Each trip was different and had its own experiences.  I find it ironic how we traveled to these poor countries expecting to help the local people, but somehow we are the ones who are helped.  The love and kindness these people show is a feeling that is indescribable.  Patients are hugging us, so grateful for the work we are there to do and the opportunity to be healed from a lifetime of pain.  We are hugging them back in awe of how they are so happy with so little, and grateful for the opportunity to meet such wonderful people.

Ben seeing a family in Guatemala
      Living in the United States, it is so easy to become consumed with money, things, and a reputation of having it all.  It is important to remember that these "things" are not what will make you truly happy.  Paige was able to use her rock climbing as a way to help others.  Ben and I have been given the opportunity to serve medically.  What kinds of skills or passions do you have that you could use to help others, whether it be locally or internationally? We are called to be great and do great things.  Find what drives you and get out there and do it!

Sara giving a local boy Albendazole to fight off stomach parasites.
Sara, Ben and Dad waiting for our next patients in Guatemala