Sunday, February 15, 2015

Climbing: Fitness, Fun and Friendships

      It has been pretty crazy around here lately!  I think I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I will be starting Physician Assistant (PA) School in the fall.  I am finishing up my last semester of prerequisite classes of Organic Chemistry II and Biochemistry and it has kept me very busy (and very stressed).  Also, most of my blog posts are written on trail runs and the weather has been less than ideal for running on trails in Ohio lately!
      Recently while training, I have realized the importance of others in the sport of climbing.  I started training with Power Company Climbing again in the middle of January.  Ben took a bad fall at Littlw Rock City in the beginning of January, bruising his heel and as the doctor put it, "really angered his planter fascia."  He was put in a boot for 3 weeks and was unable to climb.  On top of that, he has been dealing with a wrist injury since the beginning of December that he hurt while at a high rise fire training in Florida.  Not having my usual climbing/training partner has made it tough to stay motivated to climb/train.  I love climbing and have a lot of fun with it, but most of that is the fact that this is a passion and love that Ben and I share together.  It is great to watch each other progress, or be there for each other when we are having a tough day or a frustrating session.
      Since I was little, I have always enjoyed the social aspect of climbing.  I was a little 12 year old, out at the crags at the Red, making conversation with whoever else happened to be there that day.  We have met many people over the years and it is wonderful to have such a friendly community in the sport of climbing.

Group from the Wright State Comp

      Yesterday, I competed in a competition at Wright State University.  The climbing was fun, the setting was great, but the part I enjoyed most was spending time with all of our friends who happened to be there as well.  It is fun to encourage others, share beta, and learn more about each other.  There were some very strong climbers there, men and women, and it was great to see how the sport has progressed.  I made new friends, hung out with old friends, and simply enjoyed doing what I love with a great group of people.
Girls weekend at the Red

      Especially with training it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game. But the memorable part of climbing is not climbing a number. For me it's about time spent outdoors, the gift of each rock climb and the great company we keep. I truly enjoy the challenge that climbing brings to my life, and overcoming challenge every time I send. But the true gift of climbing is all of the friendships I have gained the last 18 years and the friends I will meet in the future.
Hanging out at the Gallery