Friday, May 22, 2015

Marriage Off the Rocks

      My finals are officially over and it is time to climb.  Climbing has been been difficult for Ben and I lately however, due to injuries and consistent pain.  I was hurt in a bouldering competition at the end of February when a foothold spun on a highball boulder problem.  I fell to the floor, my knee jamming into my chin, but not before my elbow hyperextended trying to hold on as the fall began.  I tried to train for a week after the accident but decided the pain was too bad and I needed to take time off.  Ben's heel has gotten better, but he has had constant wrist pain since he irritated it back in December at a high rise fire training.  He finally got an x-ray only to show that there are two fractures in his wrist, limiting his climbing.  Both of us are back to climbing at this point but we have a road ahead of us to completely heal and get back to where we were.
Shortly after my last comp, ignoring the pain in my jaw and through my arm

      While being away from climbing, there were some things I realized about myself and life.  I tried new things, focused more on school, and felt what it was like to not do something that has been such a large part of my life.  I reflected on what is most important to me in life and where climbing fits in to it all.  Here is a list of 5 things I learned while not climbing.

1.  I really enjoy climbing.
      I have been climbing since I was 11 years old and knew I always enjoyed climbing, however not being able to climb made me realize how much I enjoy the process of it and miss it when I can't climb.

2.  God has a plan for my life that is often different from what I think my plan is.
      I wanted to focus on climbing hard this season.  I wanted to focus on pushing and challenging myself on the wall.  You know what God said?  Focus on Me.  Focus on pushing yourself and challenging yourself in everyday life and focus on your family and your purpose.

3.  Date nights do not have to only consist of a burger and West Sixth at the Rockhouse.
     Climbing friends will understand this.  As fun as this is, every date night doesn't have to consist of this. :-)

4.  Climbing is a great way to stay in shape.
      It could have been the stress of school, but without climbing I felt like I was not in as good of shape as when I am climbing. Climbing is a fun way and great motivator to stay fit and push yourself to the next level.

5. With as much as I enjoy climbing, I don't want it to define my life.
     I love climbing and it is something I will always want to have in my life, however I do not want it alone to define who I am.  I am first and foremost a child of God, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and a friend.  I am a lover of the outdoors, a runner, a yogi, a student and of course a rock climber.  I am a girl trying to live her life fully to follow Christ and love others.  I am not perfect and am far from it but I strive to be better everyday.  These are the things that I want to define my life.

   I was eager to climb hard this season for one last push before I start Physician Assistant school in August.  I think there was another plan for me however, teaching me that I can survive without climbing and to really think about what is important in my life.  Not being able to climb was hard and I am happy to be climbing again, but I am thankful for the time off to rest and reflect.  I have shared with you what I learned and the things that I want to define my life. What do you want to define yours?


Unknown said...

Good thoughts. Too many of us watch other people succeed at climbing and ignore the fact that we have no idea what happens the other 150 hours in a week that we don't see them at the gym. Climbing is a lifestyle, but doesn't have to be your whole life. I feel like I can give 100% to climbing because I know I give 100% to other things (music, art, relationships) when it's time for those things. Life is better when it's balanced. Sometimes it takes something unbalanced (like an injury) to realize that.

Sara said...

Thanks Kris! I would say you definitely have some insight on this right now. I appreciate your thoughts. Hope you heal up soon!